From Sandy Grandi Jan-today 6/3 exact same weight 170 have not loss 1lb but I wi…

From Sandy Grandi Jan-today 6/3 exact same weight 170 have not loss 1lb but I will not stop!! I know I can lift more and go harder in cardio than in Jan. Just like drinking I still love wine still want wine but I’m not going back. We will always be faced with challenges and you can choose to give up or choose to keep going. I know what I’m doing #keto #ketomeals #lchf #lowcarb #highfat #atkins #bestdietever #whatdiet #fatisfuel #ketogenic #kcko #eatfatloseweight #lowcarbhighfat #ketosis #ketocooking #lowcarbcooking #lowcarbliving #ketoliving #ketofoods #xxketo #ketodiet #ketodinner #weightloss #lifestylechange #ketofitguide #ketofitchallenge

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